Little say about ports

There are different equipment or machinery in ports used for various purposes . So before jumping of to equipment's, lets first know what happens inside a port.

First,what's a port?. If you google it you would find lots of explanations and definitions starting with history, Let's simplify it. Its a place where business happens through imports and exports , OK wait ! , import and export doesn't mean , the business is strictly from or to other countries , it can also happen from one part of the country to other part of the same coast line , we have to understand only one thing , THE MEANS is sea i.e sea transport.

Next question that pop's up in our mind is , What does one import or export ? .Ok lets also simplify this . The imports and exports can be RAW MATERIALS like iron ore , coal , bauxite , limestone etc . there are many more , these are just examples . OUR MANUFACTURED PRODUCTS be it any thing from wind mill fans , cars to safety fins  (Later we will discuss the process of loading and unloading in to vessel or simply ship ), PETROLEUM PRODUCTS , CONSUMABLE GOODS ETC and if we further go YES defense related stuff.

so the equipment the particular port uses ,depends upon what is that it is importing or exporting . In further explanations i would like to put forth the machinery , parts , how does the machinery work , different problems and their solutions .

thank you 



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